- https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-TLD
- https://blog.nexcess.net/is-there-any-reason-to-use-www-in-your-domain/
- https://6tb1z28mwxv3wed0a2y88cqq-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/full-path-url-structure.jpg
The DNS (Domain Name System) hierarchy is an inverted tree structure with a single domain at the top, called the root domain, designated with a dot, "."
After the root domain, websites are classified into different Top Level Domains or TLD, like .com, .es, .uk, .gov, .pro, .org...
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol designed for communication between web browsers and web servers. It's responsible for managing the movement of data from the server, where the website is stored, and the browser that is loading the website.
As W. Manning said in this quora answer:
A top level domain (TLD) is any/every entry directly below the root. e.g. com. org. mil. edu. us. and so forth. over the last 20 years, the responsible party for managing the root domain has been selling new domains under the root. The process and price are difficult and costly, taking years and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Once a TLD is established, regular folks can buy a domain name under the TLD, such as outof.africa. — note the root ".", the TLD "africa.", and then the domain "outofW under the TLD africa.
So you can buy different domains belonging to a TLD, and then, since the domain is yours, you can generate as many subdomains as you like, as google does. For their main website, google uses www.google.com. You don't have to name it www, but it was standardized by Tim Berners-Lee, as he used "www" to differentiate the websites from other content in the CERN servers. They could have named it search_engine.google.com, but they chose www.google.com. Other subdomains are drive.google.com, docs.google.com, mail.google.com, photos.google.com, or translate.google.com.
You could also create different subdirectories inside the same website, instead of creating different subdomains, but then any search engine would think that the content of all those subdirectories is related, since it's inside the same website (subdomain). More on that later.
We saw that maps.google.com is a different subdomain than www.google.com, even though both belong to google. Well, the different web pages in the same website should be separated with subdirectories (folders inside folders...).
For example, photos.google.com opens the main page of Google Photos, but if you click on a picture, the url changes to photos.google.com/photo/... You could think of that location as a folder containing your photo alongside stuff for the website. If you open the photo in a new tab, then you will see the actual url where the photo is stored.
The query parameters are a set of values assigned to variables (parameters) that the website can take to do different things.
The query parameters are a set of values assigned to variables (parameters) that the website can take to do different things.
This is part of the URN (Uniform Resource Name). The part that goes from blog.my_web... to the end. The URL technically goes from the beginning until ".html". If you take all the text from the URL (from the beginning) and from the URN (until the end, including all the characters like ?t=256&u=true...), you get what is called a URI, or Uniform Resource Locator.

The whole line of text shown at the beginning technically would be a URI, not a URL, but what people usually need is a general name for all these location methods, no matter if they link to the general page or a specific place inside, and whether they have attributes and other stuff, and they're usually just called the URL.
Inside Chrome you can see something like this:
but it accepts an URI as input. URL is usually the general term for everything.
Those parameters could mean a google search, the website language, the current location from gps (given from the browser)... Following with the google example: if you search "hello" in www.google.com you will see that the link gets added something like this:
The ? term indicates the website that it's going to receive some parameters. Then the syntax is "?parameter1=value1¶meter2=value2...", with several parameters and their values separated by &. You can try to change hello in the url for something else, and the search term will change. You can add "?hl=es" at the end of www.google.com and the website will load in spanish.
The # symbol is used as an ankor to make the website load at specific position. If you add "#footer" to the end of the url of some websites, they will load at the bottom (At the time that I'm writing this, it works with this website). It's also used to trigger JavaScript code when you press the forward/back button of the browser and make it work without having to reload the full page.
The ? term indicates the website that it's going to receive some parameters. Then the syntax is "?parameter1=value1¶meter2=value2...", with several parameters and their values separated by &. You can try to change hello in the url for something else, and the search term will change. You can add "?hl=es" at the end of www.google.com and the website will load in spanish.
The # symbol is used as an ankor to make the website load at specific position. If you add "#footer" to the end of the url of some websites, they will load at the bottom (At the time that I'm writing this, it works with this website). It's also used to trigger JavaScript code when you press the forward/back button of the browser and make it work without having to reload the full page.
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